26 December 2008


This one is for after Christmas. (But I'm typing it before...)

Still no internet.
Possibly a car...
Discouraging news from agency. (I wish they lived on the range. Or maybe I am supposed to move out to the range...) Just delays. And more delays.

Pressing on.

A long, grumbly post is all typed in Word and saved on my home computer for when internet is restored.

Wish yahoo wasn't blocked from school's server...

Miss you.


Melissa said...

so sorry you are still experiencing delays. do they have any news for you? I am going to do a halleluhia dance for you when it happens (the call I mean)

Rachael said...

I think Santa needs to bring you a new laptop so you can visit the Internet cafe. (If it won't come to you, go to it!)

More delays? So sorry to hear.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...hate to read about more delays almost as much as you hate typing or hearing those words...Know that we are here thinking of you.
Hugs and prayers

Jenni said...

Sorry there are more delays. *sigh* Hope you get internet soon. We've missed you.

Deb said...

So very sorry to hear that you received discouraging news. Praying the new year brings you lots of blessings.

Anonymous said...

pooh on the delays.

we miss you too.


Suzanne said...

miss you too