It was bound to happen, I suppose.
After a particularly bad night of boats on the canal--They were non-stop and loud. There wasn't the usual lull after 2 a.m.--some clowns parked across the canal and started drinking at 7 a.m. They turned on the music and blasted it.
Lexi had the window open to blow bubbles. I, tired and sick of the constant, inconsiderate noise, leaned out and shouted, "Would you please just SHUT UP!"
Not my most stellar moment. It was a bit fish-wifey, though not at all shrill. And they didn't. In fact, I would wager that my reactions was exactly what they wanted and made them feel empowered.
But, I was pleased with how the canal acoustics carried my Oxford-trained voice (Um...but...I've never had a problem with projection, so Oxford doesn't really deserve any credit here. It's just a name-dropping adjective. Forgive me.) down the canal. It just boomed. Impressive.
It may not have been effective - but did it make you feel better? Even a little bit? Because then it is worth it. And hey, you said 'please' which is way, way politer that I would have been :)
you must have the pateince of a saint id be some _ _ __ Y..lolololo
I would have screamed even earlier and agree with you.
my new townhouse is just down the road from the firehouse. Something I didn't notice when looking at the place! So we are pretty used to hearing all hours of the day and night...
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