31 July 2006

what did i do?

Or what didn't I do? I have stripes on mine. Why does no one else?

Help....HELP! Elle? (If your floors are clean and you've sneaked onto the computer...) Any ideas how I managed to do this?

I promise a FAB post once I get this place spruced up...


Okay, this is very confusing. I just went and clicked on different sites that have links to my blog (thank you all--I'm always so chuffed. I wanted to add a blogroll but am now being met by my templating limitations...) and the stripes are there! Everywhere! So...why am I the only one seeing them?

Maybe this is my own X-file...(really, I need to get through these dvd's so we can move on...)

part III--I have a feeling this all has to do with hosting. Here is the sentence that makes me think that:
"Do not link directly to image files on the Anti-ivy.com servers."
I don't really know HOW, but I'm supposed to host the image. Hmmm...shall I offer it a cuppa?

part IV--Still working on it. Sent Anit-ivy an e-mail asking how to use their lovely stripes. They really are nice... I took the pattern off of the paper (er..didn't mean to, but...) and the plain light grey-blue paper is just as nice. And not so dizzying. BUT, I WANT MY STRIPES!! It's a crusade now.


Geoff and Caron said...
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Geoff and Caron said...

Perhaps I should have said, 'Stripes?'
I don't see them either, sorry!
Keep trying though!

Anonymous said...

Here is what I see when I look at your blog: the entry on a pale yellow background that has a light gray border around it and a thick brown stripe running down the left and right sides of the page. Is that what you want us to see? Whatever it looks like, the content is good, and that is the most important part. Keep writing! I like keeping up with your life!


kate said...

Devon!! You're here!!

No. It's should be lovely multi-blue stripes (you can see them at anti-ivy.com) and a swirly thing in the background.

The grey border is progess as I changed that...


Anonymous said...

Love you Kate friend. Adore you. But I have to concur that there are no stripes. Anywhere. Not even close. But it doesn't change our high regard for you a bit. Stripes... no stripes... we still think the world of you