My friend Kerry e-mailed me after yesterday's news saying:
Yay! Now what?
To which I replied:
Now we WAIT! Woo hoo!
BUT we wait with approval.
Thank you all for rejoicing with me at this huge milestone...and thank you for continuing to hang out in the waiting place with me. I am overwhelmed by your generosity of spirit.
There's really no telling how long we wait with approval before we hear there's a referral and they register me so I can be referred that referral. The estimate when we *thought* we were approved last summer was 3-8 months for a referral. Then it could be another month or two before court...and another two weeks before I can bring d2b home (via the USA). So, we could possibly have her home by mid-September. That would be before my birthday and would give me the BEST FMLA maternity leave (our autumn is tough at school--no breaks from mid August to the end of October. That'd be nice to miss! We could go back to school after the October break.)
It's possible that my requested age range (4-6 years) will make things go faster. But, I think it could actually slow things down. It seems that so many people want to adopt "under three's". If everyone gets adopted when they are under 3, then there aren't many kiddos who were relinquished at birith left when they're 4-6 years old. And that's a good thing! It's very likely that d2b has been in a family and will be brought to the children's home because of neglect or trauma. I know that--and knew that when I made my age request. We'll just take it one day at a time.
I've had all sorts of people having "feelings" about how things are going to progress from here.
It will be fast.Anyone else have feelings or predictions to share?
d2b is plural
It will be this spring.
Oh--and I forgot leap year when I added up the days before titling the last post. (I was a little scattered.) Yesterday was actually day 1087. Just for the record. ;>