28 February 2009

with approval

My friend Kerry e-mailed me after yesterday's news saying:

Yay! Now what?

To which I replied:
Now we WAIT! Woo hoo!
BUT we wait with approval.

Thank you all for rejoicing with me at this huge milestone...and thank you for continuing to hang out in the waiting place with me. I am overwhelmed by your generosity of spirit.

There's really no telling how long we wait with approval before we hear there's a referral and they register me so I can be referred that referral. The estimate when we *thought* we were approved last summer was 3-8 months for a referral. Then it could be another month or two before court...and another two weeks before I can bring d2b home (via the USA). So, we could possibly have her home by mid-September. That would be before my birthday and would give me the BEST FMLA maternity leave (our autumn is tough at school--no breaks from mid August to the end of October. That'd be nice to miss! We could go back to school after the October break.)

It's possible that my requested age range (4-6 years) will make things go faster. But, I think it could actually slow things down. It seems that so many people want to adopt "under three's". If everyone gets adopted when they are under 3, then there aren't many kiddos who were relinquished at birith left when they're 4-6 years old. And that's a good thing! It's very likely that d2b has been in a family and will be brought to the children's home because of neglect or trauma. I know that--and knew that when I made my age request. We'll just take it one day at a time.

I've had all sorts of people having "feelings" about how things are going to progress from here.
It will be fast.
d2b is plural
It will be this spring.
Anyone else have feelings or predictions to share?

Oh--and I forgot leap year when I added up the days before titling the last post. (I was a little scattered.) Yesterday was actually day 1087. Just for the record. ;>


Barb said...

Well, I'm really happy for you that you are now waiting with approval. I'm anxiously awaiting a post entitled "the call" . . or something like that . . . :)

Anonymous said...

Now the wait is "fun" - know what I mean? (fyi: I've got a comfy air mattress and a cat to walk on you in the middle of the night.)

Deb said...

Still in shock that they finally got it all together for you to be officially waiting now. I'm sure you're even in more shock. I knew the day would come and am so glad it has.

My feelings towards d2b and when she'll come... when she's ready.
I hadn't thought about it the way you mentioned the lack of children age 4-6. Hopefully with the recent slow down with reaccreditations will have (unfortunately) left your d2b just waiting for you to come and get her and it will happen quickly.

But I imagine that now that you are finally at this point at least for a couple of months you can just relax and enjoy the wait a little.

Lauri said...

My prediction is that you will be matched with one perfect little girl and that you will live happily ever after

Can't wait to hear what is next

Debbie said...

What great news - and as for timing? It all is God's hands (as we are testimony to also!) Best Wishes!

Rachael said...

Our Katya was in the orphanage since age 11 months. It just took them a really long time to get around to terminating parental rights. When Katya was transferred from the baby home at age 4 was when the new orphanage director started the process.

So, who knows what d2b's story will be.

I'm still so excited for you being in this stage, after all your ups and downs. In Doctor's office lingo, you've been taking from the big main waiting room, to the super special subwait area, where the waiting is better. Don't get too comfortable with your magazine. They could call your name at any time, and you're up!

julian said...

I have a thought on the future...
One of the little ones will be younger than you expect.

A Room to Grow said...

Our agency told us that older child adoption takes LONGER because most people want the younger kids so the in-country facilitators develop more/better relationships with the orphanages who hold the younger children. Also, older child orphanages don't like to form relationships with the facilitators for just "one-offs" ... they want some reassurance that the facilitators will work with the orphanage to adopt many of the children.

Rita, referred at 6.5 years old, was also in the orphanage since she was <1 year old. I hypothesize that she wasn't "offered up" for adoption due to her eye ... they placed other children who didn't have any physical issues. Even though Rita's eye condition was correctable.

I also think it was just fate that she wasn't available earlier because she is just perfect for us.

I think you're referrals may be a bit older (or one of them) but it will all work out perfectly. (That was our story and it's been great.)

A Room to Grow said...

And yes, this is so exciting. Because now a referral could happen ANY DAY! And probably when you least expect it!

Andrea said...

No predictions, per se . . . but oh, Kate, she will be YOURS! Or "they" will . . . either way. You will be a mum.

(it's a quaint sort of race where the mile markers leap up at you with no warning and you still have no certain knowledge of how far it is to the finish line . . . but it's so very much a race worth running!)

Andrea said...

"certain knowledge" is redundant, isn't it? heehee . . .

Melissa said...

Hooray!! I have not been a good blog reader, lately...and look what I missed!! I have no predictions, either - my crystal ball is clouded by my excitement for you! :)

Tina in CT said...

I am hoping for two little sisters to come to your home to make a family. I hope it's sooner than later.

Maura said...

No predictions - just a sense of calm with the end of the journey truly, finally in sight! :-)

Rhyne & Jake said...

I am so excited for you Kate!! I'm glad things are progressing and hope that all the hurdles are finally behind you!!

Anonymous said...

and the record counts. And we are counting on this news soon!

Annie said...

I'd love to be the person with SIGHT, but I'm not. (I even missed the big news!) However, just to say....I think there's nothing like those wonderful "older children" and it is not even impossible to find a child who had a loving family in those first three formative years - which two of mine had, overwhelmingly...and they are the happiest, sweetest, most loving people imaginable....all they needed was someone to love them...

junglemama said...

Congrats Kate! I now you have been waiting so long! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Boy that was a lonnnggg "next step" huh!!! I know the wait still stinks but just the IDEA of progress is simply amazing!! We are still thinking of you and praying for you in FL!

Jenni said...

I predict that you'll spend next Christmas with d2b, and it will be the best holiday ever!

Melissa said...

holy cow, I cant believe I missed this post. congrats. I think you fell out of my google reader, but I saw this on Debbies blog. Congrats. hoping for the best