19 June 2008

two down

Doctor says my wbc are still high, but much better. And the baby wbc are back to normal. Yea! This means I'm finished with two anitbiotics and have one more to finish. I can't WAIT. I feel so full of chemicals.

Isn't it nice that I'm moving soon and I can leave all these germs in the old flat? They're also moving my classroom, so even the school germs won't follow me. (Looking on the bright side here: new classroom is not as big as current...but will only have 12 students. I just wish there was an actual wall separating me from kindergarten instead of one of those accordian things... Still, I'm looking forward to painting. It's a great nesting outlet for me! When we were watching a slide show of our year and our first classroom popped up, everyone sighed and one girl cried out affectionately, "Oh, our dear little classroom!" They loved that pretty little classroom. It just goes to show that size isn't everything. )

It's possible I'll have good news to share about another step forward along the adoption path next week. Stick around...


Tina in CT said...

Good news on many fronts for you.

I can't wait to see your daughter or daughters in all the outgrown smocked dresses from Katya and Natalia.

Anonymous said...

speaking as mom to a soon-to-be-kindergartener... you have my sympathies on the accordion thing.

Tami said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better! Can't wait to hear all about the move to the new apartment.

Rachael said...

two down...how many to go?

on pins and needles for news!

kim said...

Keeping my fingers crossed about your "steps."...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend. Sounds like lots of positive changes. You'll just have to deal with the accordian thing...oh, well.

I just read that there's a Russian proverb that says, "The future belongs to those who know how to wait." You have the waiting thing down! The future is YOURS!

Jennefer said...

Get better soon!

I love the Dr. Seuss quote.